ignacio.manzano Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Hola, Mi pregunta es si alguien tiene los esquemas de conexion o sabe donde conseguirlos de Celestron NexStar 102SLT. El motivo es que aun amigo no le anda el motor de Azimut y queria ver de conseguir los esquema de placas y motores para analizar cual podia ser la falla. El estuvo averiguando y lo mas probable es que lo tengo que enviar a EEUU a Celestron pero el costo de envio por Fedex o UPS es de aprox. 80 dolares... y eso no garantiza el regreso (fedex y UPS la vuelta del paquete la hacen hasta Aduana no a domicilio ) Muchas gracias! Nacho
ignacio.manzano Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Autor Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Siguiendo buscando encontre lo siguiente: A friend of mine purchased the 60mm SLT. They all use the same mount. He then mounted the 80mm Celestron ED on it. It worked well for a while. The tracking motion is very jerky at high magnification. The tripod is also fairly shaky also. T_*hen after 3 months of use the azimuth motor failed*_. It took 2 months to get the replacement and then it was the wrong one. _/After getting the azimuth motor fixed the altitude motor failed within a month!/_ The SLT's eat batteries like crazy. A dark site will require a good field battery. We did take apart the failed motors to find out why they failed. Both motors showed heavy arching on the armatures leaving a heavy coating of soot. Cleaning allowed them to work for a short time but they did fail again. Celestron has a problem with armature arc suppression in this design. We did check the suppression diodes and found them to be good. The true motor failure problem is the actual brush design. The brushes are wider than the spacing on the armature. As the brushes wear in from flat they overlap the commutations on the armature and begin to arc as the motor runs. Poor motor design. I would be leary of the SLT units. IMO. I am not bashing Celestron. They make some fine instruments. This was a very early unit when purchased, they had just came out with it's design. We did provide feed back on our finding to them. They may have very well corrected the problem with the motors from their vendor. The motors are very simple DC units found in many toys. To control them they placed a small plastic optical encoder on the end shaft. This provides the closed loop control needed for the GOTO system. They saved money by not using stepper motors that have no brushes, and require a more complicated control system. JJ Fuente: http://cs.astronomy.com/asycs/forums/t/33932.aspx En resumen lo que dice es que se compro un modelo SLT y que los motores le fallaron a los meses de comprarlo y que el problema es que los motores con los que viene el SLT no son de buena calidad. Alguien sabe algo al respecto o tuvo inconvenientes con los modelos SLT de Celetron? Desde ya muchas gracias! Saludos Nacho
Alejandro Gonzalez Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Hola: tengo el Celestron Nexstar 102 SLT y me funciona a la perfección . Si necesitas repuestos la gente de Saracco los tiene todos( están en capital federal ). http://www.saracco.com/astronomia.php atte Alejandro
ignacio.manzano Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 Autor Publicado 23 de Marzo del 2010 gracias Alejandro! me voy a contactar con ellos. saludos Nacho
nestorfaget Publicado 19 de Abril del 2010 Publicado 19 de Abril del 2010 hola buenas disculpa la molestia pero tengo el mismo telescopio con nada de uso y me interesaria venderlo tenes idea de precios? desde ya muchas gracias
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