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Salida nicoleña al campo el 2 de julio


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Tiene que ser esa Dani, y es como vos decías, el tipo se equivocó y puso "separation 11 min" en vez de "separation 11 sec".

Yo encontré que se llama ADS 9584 al sistema de 3 estrellas:

ADS 9584 A= 5 Serpentis (o MQ Ser)

ADS 9584 B = LHS 3060 (tu rojita)

ADS 9584 C = BD+02 2944C

At small power the double star 5 Serpentis (ADS 9584) appears in the same field. It is easy to split because the angular separation of the very unequally-bright components (a bright yellow-orange mag. 5.2 star accompanied by a mag. 11 one) is as large as 11 arc seconds.

Fuente: http://seds.org/messier/xtra/leos/M005Leos.html

Un abrazo!


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