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Recibi el catalogo UCAC 3 (CCD Astrograph Catalog) del USNO


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Hola a todos,

me acaba de llegar el DVD doble cara del US Naval Observatory con el Catálogo UCAC-3, este catalogo sirve entre otras cosas para mejorar la alineacion de la montura haciendo "plate solving" con programas como el Elbrus, MaximDL, MaxPoint, etc.

The UCAC3 is a high density, highly accurate, astrometric catalog of 100,766,420 stars covering the entire sky. Proper motions and photometry are provided for all stars. Positions are on the ICRS (International Celestial Reference System) and given for the epoch J2000.0.

The UCAC3 is the third release of the ongoing UCAC project, designed to observe the entire sky over a magnitude range of 8 to 16, in the survey bandpass, which is between V and R. Observed positional errors are about 15-20 mas for the stars in the 10 to 14 magnitude range.

The UCAC3 has a number of major differences with respect to the UCAC2. These differences include:

complete sky coverage

re-reduction of the pixel data with better modeling

double stars are resolved to the limit of the data

significantly improved photometry from CCD data

slightly deeper limiting magnitude with larger number of stars/area

reduced systematic errors of CCD observations

the addition of several new catalogs for improved proper motions

photometry in the B, R, and I bands from the SuperCosmos project

minor planet observations have been sorted out

identification of more high proper motion stars

match with 2MASS extended sources and LEDA galaxies

Los intersados me avisan y les hago una copia o vienen a la oficina y se lo copian. No lo subo al server porque son mas de 8 Gb de informacion.

Saludos y buenos cielos!

iOptron CEM70AG
Askar ACL200, Duoptic ED Pro 60, APO 90, Photo 90 5 elementos
QHY600M, QHY294M Pro, QHY268C, QHY183M, QHY5III462C

Garin - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Duoptic - Espacio Profundo
Mi Galeria de Fotos IG: @rfcontrerasb


Ricardo me anoto para cuando vaya a buscar la montura.




Anotame. Cuantos DVDs son? 2 de 4gb? 1 dual layer?


Es 1 solo DVD dual layer. Lo mas practico es que traigan un pendrive o disco externo, mas rapido, mas barato.

Olvide decir, sirve para los que hacen astrometria tambien..

Saludos y buenos cielos!

iOptron CEM70AG
Askar ACL200, Duoptic ED Pro 60, APO 90, Photo 90 5 elementos
QHY600M, QHY294M Pro, QHY268C, QHY183M, QHY5III462C

Garin - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Duoptic - Espacio Profundo
Mi Galeria de Fotos IG: @rfcontrerasb


Creo que puede intersearme... :D

Seguro que si! jaja! gracias por el ofrecimiento Riky, iré por allí en cuanto pueda.

Un abrazo 8)


me anoto con una copia ...



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