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El cometa Lovejoy fotografiado con un tele remoto argentino


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Me sorprendió la noticia en la tapa de http://spaceweather.com/ de hoy 17/dic/2011

La foto está zarpada. Saben quien administra el tele y en que observatorio está?

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"We used a remotely-controlled 12-inch telescope in Malargue, Argentina," says Ebr. "The sun was below horizon at the time we took the picture, but just barely. There was only a 30 minute window between the rise of the comet and that of the sun "

Saludos cordiales


Que buena foto del cometa, hay que madrugar para verlo por lo que dice la nota. Sera algun telescopio remoto privado ?

Saludos y buenos cielos!

iOptron CEM70AG
Askar ACL200, Duoptic ED Pro 60, APO 90, Photo 90 5 elementos
QHY600M, QHY294M Pro, QHY268C, QHY183M, QHY5III462C

Garin - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Duoptic - Espacio Profundo
Mi Galeria de Fotos IG: @rfcontrerasb

Me sorprendió la noticia en la tapa de http://spaceweather.com/ de hoy 17/dic/2011

La foto está zarpada. Saben quien administra el tele y en que observatorio está?

Dejo un extracto de la noticia

"We used a remotely-controlled 12-inch telescope in Malargue, Argentina," says Ebr. "The sun was below horizon at the time we took the picture, but just barely. There was only a 30 minute window between the rise of the comet and that of the sun "

Saludos cordiales

Juaco gracias por el dato mañana le pregunto a Jaime García, a ver si sabe algo sabe de esa movida.


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