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Composite mirror?


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Hoy encontré este post de Anthony Wesley: http://www.iceinspace.com.au/forum/show ... hp?t=85782

donde dice:

This is also the first image with my new scope, using a 16" composite mirror that cools much faster than my previous conical mirror, a Siebert 3x barlow and Grasshopper Express camera from PGR.

¿Alguien sabe a qué se refiere con "composite mirror"?


Le pregunté a un amigo y me dijo:

The shape of the mirror.....the material it's made out of allows it to be formed into a shape that makes it much quicker cooling, so it thermally stabilises in a shorter time period. The mirrors are also much stiffer, so they don't lose shape as they cool and keep their figure.

They can use glass and composite materials such as carbon fibre etc, to produce thin mirrors that hold their shape much better as they cool, so you get better images.

Supongo que eso resuelve la duda. Mi confusión venía porque asocié "composite mirror" con un espejo compuesto de varios segmentos, como en los grandes telescopios; y como estamos hablando de uno de 16" no me cerraba muy bien el tema...


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