Publicado 21 de Abril del 201410 a Hola a todos: Acabo de descubrir que en ... Tienen el catálogo de Sharpless, de nebulosas... y en... Los de Gum, RCW, Sharples y BSF... Si los hacen trabajar junto con Simbad... Creo que bajo ningún punto de vista necesitaremos otros catálogos, al menos eso me parece. ¡Casi todos son para bajar, imprimir y con buscadores espectaculares! Acá va como muestra la Seagull Nebula en Monoceros. Sharpless SH2-296 Common Name Seagull Nebula Constellation Monoceros RA 7h 3m DEC -11d 8m Size 200 Shape Irregular Brightness Bright Object Type Diffuse Nebula Type Emission Other Catalog # IC 2177; LBN 1027; Gum 2 This large object is a common object among imagers and is also know by its common name The Seagull Nebula. SH2-296 is mainly the part that outlines the wing of the seagull but there is a lot of nebula in the area that does very well with the hydrogen-alpha filter. There are also a number of smaller Sharpless objects, but the other more common one imaged is known as SH2-292 which makes up the head. This object also responds very will to the Sulfur II and Oxygen III filter, so be sure to use those filters on this one. SH2-292 contains a small reflection nebula that can get lost in the H-Alpha channel, so a long RGB color series will help bring that back. This is a large object covering about three degrees, so you need a camera or telescope with a large field of view. It was published in Astronomy Magazine August 2007. Aviso por las dudas que no los conozcan, así no les pasa como a mí, que andaba renegando con unas listas berretas... Saludos RGF
Publicado 21 de Abril del 201410 a Muy buenos! El primero no lo conocia, el segundo lo utlizo a veces para buscar informacion de nebulosas esquivas y tal cual, complemento con el SIMBAD o Aladin. Totalmente recomendados los links y agendo el primero. Saludos!
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