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Cumulo galactico de Hercules en vivo a las 12

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Los invito a ver gratis y en directo desde Australia por youtube el cumulo de Hercules a las 12 hs.


Exploring Multiple Galaxies in a Single Image LIVE!

Episode 9 - Exploring The Hercules Cluster!


We are very excited to announce the details of Episode 9 of iTelescope.Net Sky Tours with Dr. Christian Sasse!

This episode's theme is Exploring Galaxies in the Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151).  We will be imaging dozens of galaxies in a single image live with Dr. Sasse. 

This episode will be free for anyone - all you need to do is click this link once the stream has begun and it will take you to the iTelescope.Net live stream on YouTube.

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