QUIQUE Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 paso los datos para quien desee actualizar SynScan Firmware (Ver.03.21) Release Note Date: Feb. 4, 2008 =============================================================== 1. Smoother response to manual guiding and PC based autoguiding command. 2. "PC Direct Mode" added. It allolws the PC to communicate directly with the motor controller via RS-232C connection. The RS-232C port of the PC should be configed as 9600bps, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity check and no flow control. Activate "PC Direct Mode" under "Utility\PC Direct Mode>". Press the "ESC" key to exit. The 4 direction buttons and rate controlling function operate as usual under this mode. This feature is also designed for future applications. link : http://www.skywatchertelescope.net/swti ... class2=101
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