QUIQUE Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 para realizar los upgrades hay un exe previo : SYNSCAN FIRMWARELOADER VER 2.8 (184KB) [ DOWNLOAD ] Notes: Download both Firmware Loader and the firmware if you are updating for the first time. If you've already had the Firmware Loader installed on your computer you only need to download the latest firmware. 1. Better support for low-throughput USB-to-Serial adapter. 2. Database updated by defult instead of manually clicking for the option. link: http://www.skywatchertelescope.net/swti ... class2=101
marcelo_cerdan Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 17 de Marzo del 2008 Gracias Quique por el aviso. Ya actualicé el firmware a la versión 3.21 Saludos!!
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