Luc Coiffier Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2008 Hi All, DeepSkyStacker 3.2.0 is released. Here are the new features: DeepSkyStacker - The Settings (RAW/FITS, registering, stacking) are now saved in and loaded from the file lists. A side effect is that the Batch Stacking and Command Line version are now using the settings saved in the file lists (when available) instead of the global settings. - It is possible to save/load settings from setting files and reset all the parameters to the default values. - Add a Recommended Settings dialog to help users select most commonly used settings depending on the files currently in the list. The recommended settings cover most frequently asked questions and some will be added in the future based on user experience and suggestions. - Add a Debloom option - Add a Sky Background column to the list containing the value of the Sky Background (percentage) for registered light frames. - Add an option to apply a median filter to reduce the noise before star detection (registration process) - Add an option to save debayered calibrated intermediate files (by default they are not debayered) - Add an option to FITS settings to force the use of 16 bit unsigned values even if the FITS file contains signed values. (that is the case of some FITS files created by Maxim) - Add the possibility to resize the image list DeepSkyStacker Live - The DeepSkyStacker Live settings are no longer shared with DeepSkyStacker. They still must be edited from within DeepSkyStacker but they can be saved separately. - Add the Sky Background column, plot in the Graphics tab and warning if the Sky Background is greater than a user value. DeepSkyStacker Command Line - Add an option to save the output file in FITS format. Of course all this is available in Spanish thanks to Rick from…here (and also in two new languages: German and Dutch) As usual, download and information are available at Clear skies, Luc
pablotica Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 24 de Marzo del 2008 Hi Luc Coiffier...... Thanks for the contributions... My English is not the best but ... It is a very useful tool when it comes to editing images
ricardo Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Hola a todos, Luc nuevamente lanzo una nueva version del DeepSkyStacker, con un monton de agregados. Si tienen algun feedback y por cuestiones de idioma no las pueden hacer avisenme asi le comento los problemas que tengan y su posible solucion. El deepskystacker se esta convirtiendo en la herramienta mas utilizada para el apilado de fotos de espacio profundo, los que alguna vez la usaron vieron lo simple que es procesarlas con esta excelente herramienta, y es totalmente gratuita! Saludos y buenos cielos! iOptron CEM70AG Askar ACL200, Duoptic ED Pro 60, APO 90, Photo 90 5 elementos QHY600M, QHY294M Pro, QHY268C, QHY183M, QHY5III462C Garin - Buenos Aires - Argentina Duoptic - Espacio Profundo Mi Galeria de Fotos IG: @rfcontrerasb
Leonardo Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Thanks Luc!! The last version was superb, I'll check out this one too!! Regards....
amottino Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 25 de Marzo del 2008 Thanks a lot Luc! I already downloaded and checked the new version. It worked perfectly! With the previous version I had some troubles to align automatically more than 3 lights of Flame Nebula in Orion. It was because there were translation and rotation desplacements among the different lights. The new version allowed me to do a better job. I was able to align up to 5 images and the result was perfect! Thanks again and best regards! Aldo
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