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Cámaras de 28 y 33 Megapixels


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Cuando ya con 6.3 megapixels se nos complica un poco manejar las fotos en formato RAW, aparecen estas camaras...

Semiconductor and electronics company DALSA has announced two new 33 and 28 megapixel CCD chips that will be used to power Leaf's digital camera backs. The 33 megapixel FTF5066 will be used in the Leaf Aptus 75 back and produce files of around 200MB in size, while the FTF6146 28 megapixel DALSA chip will be used in the Aptus 65 back. The 33 megapixel chip is available now and the 28 megapixel chip will ship in early 2006.

Mas info en el siguiente link

http://www.dpreview.com/news/0511/05112 ... _chips.asp



iOptron CEM70AG
Askar ACL200, Duoptic ED Pro 60, APO 90, Photo 90 5 elementos
QHY600M, QHY294M Pro, QHY268C, QHY183M, QHY5III462C

Garin - Buenos Aires - Argentina

Duoptic - Espacio Profundo
Mi Galeria de Fotos IG: @rfcontrerasb


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